Lun/Mon - Sam/Sat 8:00 - 17:00


Goma, R.D.Congo

Jonas Ahadi

Executive Director

Mr. Jonas Ahadi MUKENGERE is Entrepreneur, A2 Engineer in Building Construction, Researcher in African Architecture, 3D Designer Certified by Autodesk and CADD India since 2019 and Student in Architecture and Environmental Design at Uganda Martyrs University (Uganda) since 2019.

He is one of the founding members and the current Executive Director of Ideal Construction. With more than 6 years of experience in management of construction sites, Construction projects and conduct of Civil Engineering works, he provides assistance with a particular view on the protection of the environment and the conservation of nature.

With a good knowledge of the construction industry in the Democratic Republic of Congo, he helps to offer a comparatively superior quality of Ideal Construction home products. His experience in the study of construction projects and his mastery in the realistic simulation of structures allows the clientele to participate in an active and transparent way in the design and execution of their works.


Executive Director,

Idéal Construction Ltd.

Elisée Badas

Permanent member of the Executive Board

Mr. Elisée Badas, student of architecture at Uganda Martys University, holder of a state dilpôme in Construction (2019) and member of the Excellentia 2019 program of the Denise Nyankeru Tshisekedi Foundation. Founding member of Ideal Construction Ltd. Currently a permanent member of the Executive Board of Ideal Construction Ltd.

He has 2 years of experience in General Construction, including site supervision. Passionate about construction, Elisée Badas embarked on computer engineering (architecture & civil engineering).

Thus, he brings his contribution to Ideal Construction Ltd in the field of architecture, Construction & new technologies, with the objective of meeting the needs of the customers of Ideal Construction Ltd.


Member of the Executive Board,

Idéal Construction Ltd.

Jonathan Bindu

Permanent member of the Executive Board

Student in Environmental Design / Architecture. A passionate analyst. Currently a student, member of the UGANDAN SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTS and member of the EARTH STRATEGY climate activists core team with a strong background in architectural design, graphic design, community management and communication.

Always seeking to improve understanding of the professional environment by harmonizing the key elements that set up the most valuable work.


Member of the Executive Board,

Idéal Construction Ltd.

M. Noé Badas

Permanent member of the Executive Board

M. Noé Badas est entrepreneur et coach en leadership, membre de John Maxwell Team, displomé de Uganda Martyrs University en admistration des affaires (2018). Membre fondateur de Ideal Construction, il a plus de 10 ans d’expérience en entrepreunariat, gestion de petites et moyennes entreprises, gestion financière, stratégies marketing, relations publiques et leadership.

Actuellement membre permanent du Conseil Executif de Idéal Construction Ltd et fondateur de Excel Coaching, il apporte sa passion pour le domaine de construction et le secteur immobilier pour contribuer au service de qualité que Idéal Construction Ltd offre à sa clientèle.

M. Noé Badas a aussi une vaste expérience en gestion des projets et en promotion des organisations à but non lucratif. Ayant un réseaux international en Afrique, aux Etats-Unis et en Europe, il maximise aussi sur cette diversité culturelle pour répondre aux bésoin de la clientè de Idéal Construction Ltd.


Member of the Executive Board,

Idéal Construction Ltd.

Contact us directly

For any question, clarification, quotation request, or even complaint, do not hesitate to contact us at any time. We reply within less than 24 hours.