Lun/Mon - Sam/Sat 8:00 - 17:00


Goma, R.D.Congo

Inspection of buildings before purchase

For some, buying a building is probably one of the most important investments they will make in their lives. It is important to collect reliable and objective information. We can help you inspect any home before you buy it and gather all the information you need. People ask a lot of questions about their buying decision because they often want to be reassured that the value of the building is worth the cost. We guarantee you a professional service to collect the information not mess up on any building of your choice and produce you an understandable report to inform your buying decision. Our report is based on the building’s history, structure, initial value, depreciation, present value, market value and many other points that can better inform your decision.

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Contact us

For any question, clarification, quotation request, or even complaint, do not hesitate to contact us at any time. We reply within less than 24 hours.